Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Defining the Steps to Senior Director, and Beyond

Jeff Stutz, personally explains why you want to build to senior director. He first covers income potentials for the senior director ranks. Then Jeff takes us into the dilemma of the "plateau effect" that can occur in the mid director, to senior ranks. And answers the issue, with a lesson on the "mindset of building new teams". We learn how to overcome the mental and emotional strain associated with our work. Jeff unfolds the averages of a Senior Director business, and where you might set your goals. Jeff gives us the activities that we need to have our business engage in. Jeff dives into the importance of Staying Plugged in, and how to get your business building with momentum. In closing Jeff stresses the must-do's of this business. The value, essentials, and pace setter pack.

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Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Getting Started the Right Way

Jeff is joined today by Sheena Daniel, Kathy Buxton, and Lorry Erickson. Jeff begins by talking about PAYING the price to gain the attributes needed to be successful in the business. Next he leads into the importance of duplicating leadership throughout your organization. Jeff brings up the point, “why is it that only when I am in the face of my leaders and with them side by side, does my business seem to move?”… Jeff draws on the experience of Sheena, Kathy, and Lorry, to give us insight on how we can get started the right way, and duplicate that leadership in our business.

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Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Real Residual Income

Jeff is joined today by Mike Sewell and Brad Egbert. Jeff begins by sharing his 4 year journey in building a Melaleuca business and the residual income that he and his family now enjoy. This residual income is a rare and wonderful thing!! Next Brad Egbert, a Chiropractor and new member on Mike Sewell’s team, tells his inspiring story and why the residual income attracted him. Brad just missed Director III in his first month and he is working for Director IV in February! Join in today and learn what is so unique and genius in the residual income Melaleuca offers.

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Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Exploding Your Business In 90 Days

Jeff is joined by Mike Sewell and they jump right into how to get your business growing fast. This training is for those just starting out or those that may have hit a flat spot in their business. Jeff and Mike are seasoned Executive Director IV’s that know what they are talking about. They concentrate today on exactly what it takes to build an exciting business – fast! Join in today and listen to two leaders having fun and teaching anyone ready, how to build a steady residual income for themselves and their families.

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