Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Amazing 24 Hour Game Plan

Jeff is joined today by Josh Grimley, one of Jeff’s new leaders in Utah. Josh shares his Melaleuca experience and the techniques that he is using to achieve amazing business growth! He has developed what he calls his three step “24 Hour Game Plan” and shares how it works and why he feels it is generating so many Directors. This plan is developing Directors consistently in their first week. Josh has an aggressive goal of developing 4 Senior Directors by the May Convention and is producing results that can make this happen! Join in today and find out how Josh is developing leadership and why he is so excited about this business opportunity.

Click here to download…

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Keeping Your Perspective

Jeff trains today on why it is important to keep our businesses in perspective. There are predictable cycles to every business that impact the growth of that business. Learn today how to take advantage of a traditional up cycle in Melaleuca which happens at the beginning of each year. Jeff is joined today by two of his leaders and they share what they are doing to promote significant growth in their teams. Great “stuff” on this call!

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Wednesday, January 16, 2013

20/20 Mindset

Jeff is joined by several of his top leaders today and they discuss what happens when they enroll someone that goes on to enroll 20 customers. Jeff and each of the Senior Directors and Executive Directors in his business are all people that enrolled 20 customers and more. This is where the magic begins for a Melaleuca business. Learn today the “why” and “how” of consistently developing 20/20 enrollers and enjoy what happens to your business!

Click here to download…

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

A Fresh Perspective

Jeff starts off the year with a fresh fun perspective. He quickly reviews what has happened in his four year old Executive Director IV business which includes numerous Executive and Senior Director Businesses. This all happened on purpose! Jeff goes right into how to make 2013 a banner year. His desire is to help as many as possible achieve the level of business that they want to achieve - now. Jeff breaks down exactly what he and everyone must do to make this the successful year everyone wants. Join in today, take notes and get off to a great start in 2013!

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