Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Show Me The Money

Jeff, Todd Hatch and Mike Sewell share their first 90 days in Melaleuca. They break out their numbers for personal customers enrolled, Directors developed, total customers enrolled in their organizations and the income this produced. It’s fun and motivating to see just how quickly their checks grew each month. Jeff, Todd and Mike set and met a goal of making Director III in their first month.

Next Jeff goes through the Building Your Melaleuca Business Book and explains how the compensation plan works. He shares what to concentrate on and how to maximize the plan. Jeff also shares some of his personal practices such as striving for at least a one in three ratio for new customers enrolling with a Value Pack. This helps with volume as you are building your business but more importantly introduces the new customer to 30 of our most popular products. These customers are seven times more likely to become life time customers. Great break down of the compensation plan.

Click here to download…

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