Wednesday, March 28, 2012

How To Get Started

Jeff has an open session for the first part of the call and answers a couple of great questions: “When do you start having your own meetings and trainings and how do you work with people a couple of hours from your home?”; and “How would Jeff approach a seasoned AmWay person?”

The second half of the call Jeff goes into how to approach people and how to determine whether to approach them as a customer or a business builder. He shares a recent experience of setting an appointment with someone with a tight budget and how the appointment turned out.

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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Jeff’s 48 Hour Follow-up

Jeff shows how critical the 48 hour follow-up process is. This can be where we make or break our businesses as we are setting the tone for our relationship and activity from here forward. Jeff breaks down exactly what he believes are the key points of the 48 hour follow-up and what is needed to bring someone on board correctly. If you are having problems getting people fired up from the start, here is your process.

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Wednesday, March 7, 2012

How To Develop Posture

Jeff has an open line discussion on what is the definition of posture and why is it crucial to your business success. You will hear Jeff and others express what their thoughts are around what posture is and how they developed it. It is not a switch you can turn on, it’s a process. However, it is not an option if you want to succeed. Once you grow through the process of developing a solid posture, you will be unstoppable. Learn how to do this on today’s call.

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